School Improvement Strategy
Enhance Academy Trust has a core purpose and vision which is to deliver improved educational outcomes and learning skills to enable our young people to live well in the world around them. We also aim to allow our school leaders and staff to develop the individual character of our academies so they can best serve their local communities.
Our improvement strategy is based on this vision and on an academy’s capacity to improve. As a Trust, children are at the heart of all we do; we aim to support all of our academies to provide the best possible outcomes and the Trust improvement strategy seeks to achieve this. The Trust recognises that there is much to celebrate in every academy and looks to develop academies that are diverse and that reflect the communities they serve; individuality and creativity are celebrated.
The improvement strategy identifies how we will work with individual academies and the collective group of schools within the Trust. It aims to provide clarity around the expectations, values, roles and responsibilities and ways of working, in the pursuit of enabling all children to achieve their maximum potential.